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AcuAroma Therapy Mastery Level 1 Certification
Welcome Video (2:47)
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Ebook Bonus
How-To Guide: AcuAroma Therapy for 9 Common Conditions
Module 1
Module 1 Overview
Intro to Aromatic Energetics (220:41)
Module 2
Module 2 Overview
TCM Meridian System & the Flow of Qi (195:16)
Module 3
Module 3 Overview
Lung & Large Intestine Meridians (207:52)
Module 4
Module 4 Overview
Stomach Meridian (187:43)
Module 5
Module 5 Overview
Spleen Meridian (209:28)
Module 6
Module 6 Overview
Heart Meridian (198:15)
Module 7
Module 7 Overview
Small Intestine Meridian (161:04)
Module 8
Module 8 Overview
Urinary Bladder Meridian (206:53)
Module 9
Module 9 Overview
Kidney Meridian (168:00)
Module 10
Module 10 Overview
Pericardium Meridian + AnMian (178:19)
Module 11
Module 11 Overview
Triple Heater Meridian + Extra Points (192:56)
Module 12
Module 12 Overview
Gall Bladder Meridian (126:37)
Module 13
Module 13 Overview
Liver Meridian (129:51)
Module 14
Module 14 Overview
Conception Vessel (161:00)
Module 15
Module 15 Overview
Governing Vessel + 1 more Extra Point (128:27)
Module 16
Course Review + Exam Prep (108:13)
WORKSHOP - Setting up your AcuAroma Learning Circle
Grow Fast with AcuAroma Learning Circles (122:25)
How to set up your first AcuAroma Learning Circle in-person
How to set up an online AcuAroma Learning Circle
BONUS Mastermind Sessions
Mastermind Session #1 (47:30)
Mastermind Session #2 (46:59)
Mastermind Session #3 (45:28)
Mastermind Session #4 (32:26)
Mastermind Session #5 (46:25)
Mastermind Session #6 (37:28)
Mastermind Session #5
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