Your transformational journey to becoming a Wise Woman
Learn to step into your power by becoming a wise woman. Your entire life has been leading up to this very moment in time. From Maiden to Mother to Crone you can totally own this time of your life! Discover your deepest passions and create a new pathway for yourself filled with resilience, strength and tons of self love. Surround yourself with other women on the same journey. What are you waiting for?
The journey begins October 10th, 2021
What you are dreaming, is dreaming you
There is a deeper calling that is rising during the menopausal years. Maybe you want to write that book that's inside you. Perhaps you want to move closer to the grandkids. Or you might just want to figure out your changing body and ways to stay healthy and active. The 9 month of birthing yourself into the Wise Woman role with Menopause Success Mastery will give you all of that and more.
Menopause Success Mastery Includes:
- 9 Months of interactive Live classes with lifetime access to all the materials
- Weekly email support
- Tons of support from me and from the Menopause Success Mastery Community via our members-only Facebook forum
- Proven protocols that can help you lose weight, get better sleep and have more energy
- Hormone balancing recipes and food tips
- Trusted product recommendations for herbs and supplements
- Bonus interviews with Menopause professionals
- Support for body/mind/spirit transformation
- Guided meditations and recordings
- Aroma Point Therapy protocols and essential oil rituals that balance hormones, improve overall well-being and allow you to be comfortable in your body
- Journaling prompts and contemplative questions
- A safe container for personal growth
- Community with like-minded women to nurture and support you
Course FAQ
When does the course start? Classes start October 10, 2021
How long is the course? This is a 9 month program that takes you on a journey through Menopause to becoming the Wise Woman
When does it end? The course ends in June 2022 as you step into the Wise Woman role for yourself, your family and your community.
How long will I have access to the material? You can come back and visit this material for 3 years from the time you sign up
What if I can't be on the live classes? No worries, the monthly live classes are recorded and you can watch them again in the course modules.
Coming home
to your body
Whether it's meditation, deep breathing exercises or a refreshing walk in nature, Menopause Success Mastery teaches you how to make deeper connections to yourself and the world around you.
Experience better ways to move your body in Menopause
If you are still exercising the way you did in your 20's & 30's your cortisol levels could be going through the roof! Menopause Success Mastery let's you explore new ways to exercise without putting your hormones and stress levels as risk.
Learn ways to use food as medicine in Menopause
The foods we eat are vital to how well we age. Menopause Success Mastery will teach you what foods, herbs & supplements can help your body thrive through Menopause.
Example Curriculum
- Understanding the Language of Hormones (33:40)
- Nurturing Menopausal Health with Herbal Wisdom
- Connecting Physical, Emotional & Energetic Realms
- Daily Self-Care with Aroma Points
- Creating your Menopause Wellness Plan
- Self Nurturing and Body Honoring Practices to "Going to the Well"
- Month 2 LIVE Class Recording (51:48)
Find your place among
the shining stars
Join the uprising of women who are ready to claim their rightful place as the Wise Woman to finally and fully step into your power with love and grace.